Otherwise, to log in using Shibboleth or OpenAthens, please go to our login page and use the 'Access through your institution' search bar to locate your institution:

Once you have located your institution, you will be invited to login through the university's login page itself.
Problems accessing remotely?
My institution doesn't appear in the search bar
If you have followed the above process and have not been able to locate your institution this might indicate that we have not been advised to activate Shibboleth on behalf of your institution. Please contact your library for further assistance.
My student log in doesn't work
If your login details don't work, we would advise you to contact your University/institution librarian who should be able to test your login details. Your librarian will also be able to tell you which journals/books you can access as a member of the University/institution.
Not able to access using Shibboleth/OpenAthens?
Speak to your Student Liaison/Support Services Librarian – they will have options for remote access and they will be able to assist you with working remotely.
I am logged in via my institution but my access is restricted
If access options are still being offered and you are seeing an access restricted sign, Your institution doesn't have a subscription to the content you are trying to view. To avoid disappointment, we recommend confining your search to "Only content I have access to":
This will ensure that you have authorisation to view the full-text journal article, case study or book chapter in the returned results.
If you have any further questions, please email Customer Support (support@emerald.com).