"Welcome Guest User"

The following information resolves 90% of access issues for Insight and we would be grateful if you could cross-check each element to ensure access is available for your patrons. If you continue having access issues having followed the below checks, please do not hesitate to contact Emerald Customer Support.

IP addresses

Please send your IP ranges through to Emerald Customer Support and we will verify that all IPs are registered against your account.


If you are using a mix of IPv6 and IPv4 ranges, please can you advise us of the IPv6 range(s) - ideally in its CIDR form - so that we can register them against your account. If you have an IPv6 that is not registered, it will cause a block in your authentication on our platform.

Proxy settings

Please ensure that your proxy settings match those in our Guide to Proxy Settings. The LibLynx stanza must be included to facilitate off-campus access.

Since our new platform supports both IPv4 and IPv6 authentication, it may be necessary to specify whether EZproxy should use IPv6 or IPv4 to listen for login requests and database source IPs. If your access is being impacted by the above 'connection refused message', please see OCLC's Interface support pages for guidance.


If you have recently changed your OpenURL provider, please contact Emerald Customer Support to check that our registered details are up-to-date.

Referring URL

Please ensure that you do not have a 'no-referrer' instruction in the HTML for referring URL access and that the link is updated to the current platform with the https:// prefix.

A recent update in Chromium based browsers (such as Chrome and Edge) and Firefox has resulted in a new default referrer policy being applied which may impact referring URL access to Emerald Insight. Please see our guidance here.


Please ensure that all URLs for Emerald Insight are prefixed with the https:// opener, otherwise this may impede authentication and result in a #404 (page not found) error: https://www.emerald.com/insight/

Customers who have completed the above audit, are now seeing that their access issues have been resolved. If this is not the case for your institution, please come back to Emerald Customer Support  for further assistance.